The current NPS / Net Promoter Score for Carnival Victory is -6.53. The following table is showing the position of Carnival Victory in our NPS charts:
Pos. | Ship | NPS |
297. | Ovation of the Seas | -4.72 |
298. | Majesty of the Seas | -4.92 |
299. | Sun Princess | -6.16 |
300. | Silver Muse | -6.47 |
301. | Norwegian Jade | -6.48 |
302. | Carnival Victory | -6.53 |
303. | Norwegian Gem | -6.78 |
304. | Carnival Inspiration | -7.04 |
305. | Pride of America | -7.18 |
306. | Nieuw Statendam | -7.55 |
The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a methodology that measures outspoken promoters of a product (such as a cruise ship) against vocal critics. It is a value that can range from -100 (only critics) to +100 (only promoters).
The NPS works by looking at positive (raving) reviews by so called 'Promoters' and contrasting them with negative ratings by 'Detractors'. The following list is showing the latest reviews out of the total reviews taken into account for this evaluation.
While the NPS is typically obtained by asking a simple question about the likelihood of recommendation we are calculating the cruise NPS based upon customer reviews from across the web. Responses are divided in three categories: Promoters give a top rating of 9 or 10 points (on a 10 point scale). Responses of 7 or 8 points are called 'Passives' because they are neither extremly positive nor negative. And 0 to 6 points are called Detractors. They have a negative base sentiment. The ratio between positive and negative ratings is the net promoter score. We are continuously monitoring the web for customer reviews (and have analyesd over 200.000 reviews so far). We are then mapping the responses into a 10 point grade scale and can then calculate the NPS.
Professional Review | |
Customer Reviews | |
Number of current reviews | 4010 |
% of people who loved it | 60 |
Current Net Promoter Score | -6.53 |